Fibreoptic Guided Tracheal Intubation Through Supraglottic Airway Device Using an Airway Exchange Catheter in Children


Scope and Purpose

Difficult airway management for anatomical reasons is relatively rare in children but when it does occur there is often a need to use specialized equipment and specialized techniques. This guideline describes one of these specialized techniques which is rarely used and therefore increases the chance of poor performance in that technique without visual reference to assist. Without this guideline the performance of the technique described within would likely be poor and would increase risk to patients.

Applicability (to whom this is relevant)

This guideline is relevant for anaesthetists and anaesthetic assistants (nurses and operating department practitioners) who may be involved in the management of a difficult intubation or difficult airway in a child.


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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/01/2025

Next review date: 31/01/2028

Author(s): Dr Neal Willis, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist RHC.

Author email(s):

Approved By: RHC Paediatric Anaesthetics Dept

Reviewer name(s): Dr Alyson Walker Paediatric Anaesthetist RHC.