Fibreoptic intubation: a guide to scopes, equipment and where to find everything

Information to help locate assemble & use airway equipment for difficult intubations
Difficult airway management for anatomical reasons is relatively rare in children but when it does occur there is often a need to use specialized equipment. This guideline makes it clear to the user where specialized equipment is kept so that when it is needed there is no delay to patient care. There are also (limited) helpful details about the relevant equipment on the guideline to help inform choice of equipment to the relevant staff (ordinarily, the anaesthetist).
This guideline is relevant for any staff group who may be involved in the set-up and /or use of fibreoptic bronchoscopes within (or affiliated to) the theatre department of RHC Glasgow. This includes, but is not limited to, anaesthetists, nurses, operating department practitioners, healthcare support workers and nursing auxiliaries.
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Size Manuf-acturer |
2.2mm Olympus™ |
2.8mm Storz™ |
4.0mm Storz™ (Digital) |
4.1mm Olympus™ |
2.8mm Olympus™ (Medical Bronch) |
Serial Number |
OLY_LF-P_1911067 |
STO-11301AA1_2213631 |
STO-11302BDX_19309 |
OLY_LF-GP_1212670 |
OLY_BF-XP60_2341053 |
Scope is kept in... |
Theatre recovery, next to DAT* (with stack) |
HEPA Cabinet 1 (In scope room next to theatre 4) |
HEPA Cabinet 1 (In scope room next to theatre 4) |
HEPA Cabinet 1 (In scope room next to theatre 4) |
HEPA Cabinet 1 (In scope room next to theatre 4) |
Suction Channel? |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Stack required |
DP Medical™ (Looks like old white lap-top) |
Storz™ C-MAC |
Storz™ C-MAC |
Storz™ C-MAC |
Lucera™ 3A |
Stack is kept in... |
Theatre Recovery (with scope) |
Theatre Recovery (with DAT) |
Theatre Recovery (with DAT) |
Theatre Recovery (with DAT) |
In store room opposite theatre 2 Door code: CA 2468 |
Minimum ETT Size |
2.5mm ID |
3.0mm ID |
4.5mm ID |
4.5mm ID |
3.0mm ID |
Other Information Required? |
Small picture, some broken fibres |
Requires Storz™ battery-powered light source |
Full screen, HD-quality picture |
Requires Olympus™ battery-powered light source |
Medical bronchoscope |