Inpatient echocardiograms not requiring Cardiology consultation

What's new / Latest updates
02.08.21 Updates to contact details and haematology/oncology criteria wording
Please enter requests on TrakCare and obtain reports via Clinical Portal and/or HeartSuite; result interpretation is the responsibility of the requesting team
Agree non-portable scans time by contacting the Cardiology Department reception (ext 84079)
ID (Infectious Diseases) Consultant request
- Pyrexia of unknown origin
- Staph aureus sepsis/bacteraemia
- Suspected Kawasaki disease at 2 & 6 weeks after onset of fever
- Protocol-based ventricular function assessment pre & post chemotherapy or BMT for haemodynamically stable well patients
NICU Level 1
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia – cardiac anatomy & assessment of function/PA pressure/PDA
- Non-cardiac ECMO: cardiac anatomy (rule out TAPVD) and cannula position
- Multiple congenital anomalies in absence of clinical signs of congenital heart disease (e.g.“pre-anaesthetic screening echo”)
- Assessment for pericardial effusion/suspected tamponade
- Non-cardiac ECMO: cardiac anatomy and cannula position
- ID or Haem/Onc reasons as noted above
- Multiple congenital anomalies in absence of clinical signs of congenital heart disease (e.g.“pre-anaesthetic screening echo”)
- Day One post-cardiac surgery
NB: Echocardiography has no routine use in determining central venous line tip position or ascertaining patency of veins distal to SVC/IVC/innominate vein – consider vascular USS instead)
If cardiac involvement is suspected, a medical Cardiology consultation is required. Echo requests other than listed above will not be processed. To organise a Cardiology consultation:
Urgent (inpatient only): phone ext 84440 to request clinical review by duty Cardiology Middle Grade (Registrar or ANP); consider PICU referral if patient is unwell
Routine (inpatient and outpatient): referral letter by a senior Paediatrician (ST5 or above, Consultant) addressed to Consultant Cardiologist for e-vetting