Diabetic ketoacidosis including fluid calculation sheet


18/01/2023 NHSGGC Microsoft Edge settings mean that pdfs open in Adobe Acrobat by default. This stops the DKA fluid calculation sheet linked to below from working. Read these instructions on how to change Edge settings before opening the guideline.

Guidance from www.ggc-youngdiabetes.org


  • DKA Protocol

    This protocol covers all aspects of management of a child in DKA.  (Updated 2009)
    On the last page is a copy of the Fluid Calculation Chart.  (Updated 2011)

  • Fluid Calculation Chart
    Individual versions of the Fluid Calculation Chart for printing or for completing online.  (Updated 2011)

  • Making an Infusion of Insulin
    A guide on how to make up an insulin infusion, and the pharmacy monograph for human soluble insulin.  (Updated 2020)


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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 08/11/2023

Next review date: 08/11/2025

Author(s): Dr Ian Craigie.

Approved By: GGC Children's Diabetes Service