Normal endogenous cortisol secretion resumes in 6-8 weeks in most cases although normal secretion may not resume for 6-12 months especially in those following prolonged periods of oral steroid treatment (> 12 months) and/or those who have had concurrent treatment with other forms of steroid (eg topical, inhaled or intra-articular etc).
42% of children who discontinued long term oral steroid therapy have an abnormal response to synacthen test despite a weaning regime. No clinical or biochemical factors could predict those with abnormal response (Wildi-Runge S et al J Pediatr 2013).
All children should be:
- Issued with steroid card/medical bracelet.
- Counselled not to discontinue steroid abruptly.
- Provided with sick day plan during intercurrent illnesses, especially when unable to tolerate steroids due to vomiting.
Ideally, families should be provided with education to be able to inject IM hydrocortisone in such instances or have immediate access to IM hydrocortisone as per the recommendations of the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes (BSPED) and the Scottish Paediatric Endocrine Group(SPEG).
- Provided with IV hydrocortisone cover during acute inpatient admission, surgery, and general anaesthetic.
1. Discontinuing steroid (Duration of treatment > 6 months)
These children are at a higher risk of secondary adrenal suppression and therefore a longer recommended period of weaning may be necessary.
Wean steroid dose down to a physiological dose equivalent (ie 2.5 mg/m2/day Prednisolone or equivalent) in the duration that symptoms of the underlying condition permits (or at least 4-6 weeks), then change to hydrocortisone (10 mg/m2/day Hydrocortisone) as it has a shorter half-life and aids in the recovery of adrenal function. Inform endocrinology team. Once the child has been on physiological dose of oral hydrocortisone for at least 8 weeks, perform synacthen test.
Omit evening and morning dose of hydrocortisone to perform synacthen test. Recommence oral hydrocortisone after synacthen test until results of synacthen test available.
Consider discussing weaning plan with endocrinology earlier for children who have been treated with steroid for > 12 months or younger children (< 5 years).
2. Discontinuing steroid (Duration of treatment ≤ 6 months or intermittent treatment eg multiple short courses)
Some of these patients may be at risk of adrenal suppression.
For safe practice, we recommend the consideration of synacthen test in the children in this group when off steroids for at least 2 weeks or just before next steroid treatment if there are symptoms of suggestive of adrenal insufficiency or other clinical concerns*.
* Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include:
- Significantly tired/lethargy
- Weight gain/weight loss
- Multiple and increased frequency of intercurrent illnesses (Taking longer to recover)
1. Peak synacthen > 450nmol/L
- No need for further investigations unless clinical concerns.
2. Peak synacthen 300-450nmol/L
Mild to moderate adrenal suppression
- Inform endocrinology and refer to endocrine clinic.
- Sick day plan
- Stress dose oral hydrocortisone (double oral dose for 2 days) for mild acute illness.
- IM hydrocortisone for vomiting illness.
- Repeat synacthen test in 6 months if remain off steroids.
3. Peak synacthen < 300 nmol/L
Significant adrenal suppression
- Inform endocrinology and refer to endocrine clinic.
- Replacement and Sick Day Plan
- Recommence oral hydrocortisone at physiological dose 10 mg/m2/day.
- Stress dose oral hydrocortisone (double oral dose for 2 days) for mild acute illness.
- IM hydrocortisone for vomiting illness.
- Repeat synacthen test in 6-12 months if remain off steroids.
Emergency management of adrenal crisis
IM Hydrocortisone Dose
6 months-5years