Questions you should ask in addition to your usual history:
What was your child doing when the headache started?
- Interrupted sleep – suggests SOL
- Headache present on wakening – suggests raised ICP
How long has your child had a headache/ headaches for?
- First or worst
- Short history
- Changed or accelerated course
- In teenagers headache that never goes away suggests SOL
What does your child do when they have a headache?
- If prohibits normal activities – severe headache
- If inhibits normal activities – moderate headache
- Agitated and pacing the floor – suggests cluster headache
What makes the headache worse?
- Worse on lying down – suggests raised ICP
Has your child’s behaviour changed?
- Altered personality – suggests SOL
Has your child had a recent head injury?
Has your child had any other symptoms?
- Vomiting – particularly early morning
- Fever
- Photophobia – need to consider meningitis
- Neck pain or stiffness – suggests meningeal irritation
- Seizures
Did your child feel anything before the headache came on?
- Aura are usually visual disturbances
What painkillers has your child had today? What painkillers do they have every day?
- Chronic use of analgesia may cause Medicine Overuse Headache
How many drinks does your child normally have in a day?
- Many children have chronic headaches secondary to dehydration
Do they have a lot of caffeine (coke, irn bru) or foods with monosodium glutamate (flavoured crisps, pot noodles)?
Is there any family history of migraine?