The aim of this guideline is to identify the role of the phlebotomy service within the Haemato-oncology Unit at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
Role of Phlebotomists

The aim of this guideline is to identify the role of the phlebotomy service within the Haemato-oncology Unit at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
Children requiring phlebotomy in the following areas:
- Schiehallion Ward
- Schiehallion Daycare
- Schiehallion patients boarding on other wards
Medical, Nursing and Phlebotomy Staff
- Vascular Access Procedure and Practice Guidelines (2019)
- NHS GG&C Acute Division Intravenous Flush Policy 2015
- Prophylaxis against Gram Negative and Fungal Infections in Immunocompromised Babies, Children and Young People with a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) – RHC-HAEM-ONC-046
- Medical, Nursing and Phlebotomy Staff
- Phlebotomist Training Pack
- Competency for Phlebotomist/HCSW use of Taurolock February 2020
- Order request forms ie Trakcare
- Tray
- Syringes
- Filter Needle
- Clinell wipes
- Appropriate blood bottles
- Hepsal (if required)
- Normal Saline
- Taurolock
- Specimen bags
- Tourniquet (if required)
- Smart sites (if required)
- Port Protector
5.1 Hours of Phlebotomy Service:
- 07:00 – 15:30
- 07:00 – 18:00
5.2 Remit of Phlebotomists:
- Schiehallion Ward
- Schiehallion Daycare
- Schiehallion patients boarding on other wards
5.3 Role of Phlebotomists:
- Phlebotomists can obtain blood samples by heel stab, thumb prick or accessing central venous devices or peripheral venous cannulae
- Clinical staff who wish the phlebotomy service to obtain a patient’s blood sample should complete and print off a request form(s) on Trakcare, detailing all necessary tests. The Phlebotomist will only take blood samples which are requested on a completed laboratory form
- Phlebotomists may be contacted by deg phone number 84833
- Phlebotomists must check the patient’s identity against the request form, patient name band and by verbal confirmation at the patient’s bedside before taking the blood sample
- The Phlebotomist is responsible for labelling all sample bottles at the bedside
- The Phlebotomist is responsible for packaging the blood samples with the request forms and podding these to the appropriate laboratory
- The phlebotomists will inform the nursing staff of any difficulties, including inability to obtain a sample
- Phlebotomists will not access central venous devices from radioactive patients
- Phlebotomists will not access dialysis catheters
- Phlebotomists can administer Taurolock as a line lock. Taurolock must be prescribed on the drug kardex and must be checked by 2 members of staff, both of whom must be competent in the administration of Taurolock
- Phlebotomists will not administer any other antibiotic lock
- Phlebotomists will not administer TauroLock Hep 100 (Heparanised Taurolock 100iu/ml)
- Phlebotomists will not obtain blood gases
- Phlebotomists will change smartsites on a Tuesday and document this in the CVC Bundle
This SOP will be reviewed every two years.
For further information contact the Schiehallion Ward on 0141 452 4450 / 4451