Paediatric ICU Local Infection Prevention & Control Risk Assessment Specific to Covid-19


8th July 2020 – SBAR


  • The purpose of this SBAR is to suggest appropriate risk-assessed infection control measures for PICU relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
  • The proposed solution is based on 3 streams:-
    1. Patient testing and screening
    2. Risk based Patient cohorting pathways specific to Paediatric Intensive Care
    3. Risk based use of PPE specific to Paediatric Intensive Care
  • It is accepted that this SBAR will be subject to change based on changing Covid-19 epidemiology and population background levels of risk.


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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 08/07/2020

Next review date: 08/07/2021

Author(s): Alastair Turner.

Approved By: PICU RHC Glasgow