Criteria for Admission to the Neonatal Unit |
Prematurity |
Gestation <34 weeks |
Birthweight <1600g |
Hypothermia – requiring incubator care |
Around delivery |
Peripartum compromise:
Chest compressions required during resuscitation |
Respiratory |
Persistent signs of respiratory distress |
Recurrent or prolonged cyanotic episodes |
Recurrent & prolonged apnoeic episodes |
Cardiac |
Persistent cyanosis |
Infection |
Suspected sepsis with clinical signs and/or raised inflammatory markers. Does not include babies with risk factors on NEWS monitoring |
Sudden collapse on the postnatal wards |
Metabolic |
Hypoglycaemia - If feed intervals of less than 2 hourly or IV dextrose required |
GI/Surgical |
Persistent / bilious vomiting, abdominal distension, Rectal bleeding |
Congenital abnormalities |
Babies identified antenatally as having a congenital condition requiring neonatal admission e.g. cardiac anomalies, open spina bifida, congenital diaphragmatic hernia etc. |
Congenital abnormalities if physiologically unstable |
Other |
Babies requiring IV infusions NAS requiring treatment > day 10 if not rapidly weaning if so consider TC particularly to assess parenting further. |
Babies, whose mothers are no longer inpatients in the maternity ward, who cannot be discharged for any other indication. Includes babies for adoption |
Admission criteria: Neonatal Unit & Transitional Care

Criteria For Admission to a Transitional Care Unit (or equivalent) Admission can be
NB. Some variation will occur between units dependent on available facilities. Location of care will involve discussion and agreement with the families involved. |
Gestation 34+0 - 35+6 weeks at birth if otherwise well |
Birthweight >1600g at birth if otherwise well |
Feeding support |
Hypoglycaemia controlled with feeding at least 2 hourly intervals by suck and/or via NG tube. |
Weight loss requiring more intensive feeding support (including NG feeding) |
Jaundice |
Parenting assessment/social |
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome |
Step Down from NNU care |
*Criteria based on BAPM Framework for Transitional Care October 20171
Criteria for babies with additional care requirements who are able to remain on the Postnatal Wards NB. Some variation will occur between units dependent on available facilities. Includes transfer back of babies to PNW after a brief period of observation in a NNU |
Gestation 36+0 – 37+0 weeks if:
Birthweight >1800g if:
Congenital abnormalities in otherwise well baby e.g:
Resolving colour changes |
Weight loss requiring feeding support in otherwise well baby |
Jaundice: |
Additional monitoring |
Hypothermia requiring care in a heated cot |
Requiring monitoring & treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome up to day 10 (local arrangements may apply) |