Capillary malformation of the forehead
Most Capillary malformations (CM) on the face arise from somatic activating mutation in the gene GNAQ. Their distribution follows the embryological vasculature rather than the trigeminal nerve distribution. Those involving the forehead (innervated by V1-3) can be associated with glaucoma, abnormal neurodevelopment and seizures while those that do not involve the forehead are not associated with those risks1. Given the severity of these neurological outcomes, there is a rationale for the diagnosis of brain involvement in asymptomatic infants with forehead CM.
Early treatment of glaucoma is critical in preserving visual function, and therefore prompt diagnosis in children with forehead CM is important as glaucoma can be present from birth.
Early diagnosis and treatment of Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS) may reduce disease progression and complications because the typical MRI findings of atrophy and calcification result from chronic cortical hypoxaemia due to vascular stasis and decreased perfusion in the cortex2. Although randomized controlled trials are lacking, occurrence of stroke-like episodes and seizures is reduced by administration of prophylactic aspirin3. MRI is the best predictor of all adverse clinical outcomes so that Gadolinium enhanced brain MRI should be done within the first 3 months of life. However, features of SWS can be missed through early MRI so a negative result does not exclude the development of neurological symptoms.
Assessment and onward referral
If any part of the forehead is involved, an MR with contrast as feed and wrap should arranged as soon as possible and the child referred to ophthalmology.
If MRI is normal suggest routine paediatric follow up.
If MRI is abnormal refer to neurology for neurodevelopmental assessment and follow up and for consideration of prophylactic aspirin.
After 3 months of age MRI should be repeated only if there is a clinical suspicion of SWS.
CM elsewhere on the face or body
These are not an indication for ophthalmology assessment or contrast MR as these are not associated with a risk of glaucoma or SWS.
Capillary Malformation can also occur in association with PIK3 mutations and in this setting are often widespread and associated with macrocephaly, sandal gap, syndactyly or polydactyly. Children with widespread CM should be referred to Dermatology.
Referral for treatment
In GGC Laser treatment of facial CM is offered by the plastic surgery team in the year before school. This is expected to result in fading of the CM. Gradual darkening over years is expected and retreatment may be required. Treatment is carried out under general anaesthetic and multiple treatments are required. Treatment of hands which are also an exposed site is not associated with good treatment success and as a result is rarely offered. Referral to the plastic surgery team to discuss and plan treatment should be made from the age of three years.
- Port-wine stain classification predicts Sturge–Weber risk, Waelchli etal. British Journal of Dermatology (2014) 171, pp861–867).
- Miao et al. Clinical correlates of white matter blood flow perfusion changes in Sturge-Weber syndrome: a dynamic MR perfusion-weighted imaging study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2011;32:1280–5
- Lance EI, Sreenivasan AK, Zabel TA et al. Aspirin use in Sturge-Weber syndrome: side effects and clinical outcomes. J Child Neurol 2013; 28:213–18