Down's Syndrome Health Assessment of Children and Young People, Paediatrics (899)

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2025 update: links checked and updated.
This guidance document has been developed for healthcare professionals in Specialist Community Paediatrics within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
It sets out the specific recommendations for health screening in children and young people 0-18 years with Down’s Syndrome based on current Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group guidelines. The guidance includes information which will help clinicians identify health conditions known to be of a higher prevalence in individuals with Down’s Syndrome supporting early recognition and intervention to ensure the delivery of safe and effective high quality healthcare.
- Introduction and information for parents
- Referral to SCS
- Schedule of health and development assessments
- Appendix 1 Down’s Syndrome Neonatal Discharge Form
- Appendix 2 Down’s Syndrome – suggested schedule of health checks
- Appendix 3 Complications associated with Down’s Syndrome
- Appendix 4 Sleep related breathing disorder
- Appendix 5 Infection: Nottingham guidelines for prevention, investigation and management of
infections - Appendix 6 Coeliac Disease
- Appendix 7 Cervical Spine Instability
- Appendix 8 TSH Screening Process: Flow chart guidance Thyroid Disorder in Children and Young People with Down Syndrome (2020): surveillance and when to initiate treatment
- Appendix 9 Health and Wellbeing Surveillance Checklist for Children and Young People with Down’s Syndrome