Post-operative gastrostomy feeding

Immediate post-operative feed management of patients who have had a new (uncomplicated) gastrostomy placed.
Update to previous protocol, to reduce the fasting time, time to full feeds and inpatient stay.
For use for all patients who have had an uncomplicated gastrostomy placement, unless specified otherwise.
For all staff involved in the care of patients following gastrostomy insertion.
Each patient should have a clear dietician plan in the notes prior to theatre (should be requested on admission). This should include the ultimate feeding regimen, including type of feed, volume, bolus interval or continuous start/finish times, and flush volumes.
The correct feeding sheet should be selected (bolus vs continuous). Ideally, the actual details on the personalized protocol sheet should be filled out by the person in theatre (with the aid of the dietician plan) to ensure correct timings etc, but could be filled out by the dietician in certain clinical areas with customised dietetic input (e.g. renal/PICU/NICU) as long as no delay to feeding occurs.
We are happy for blended diet to be given as soon as needed following new gastrostomy insertion, regardless of type of device (tube/button), as long as >14fr.