HDU checklist: in preparation for retrieval (West of Scotland Critical Care Guidelines)


Click here to download Word version of this checklist.

Items to check

Tick/ initial and time once complete



Airway adjuncts available if necessary




Mask and bag/ t piece available


End tidal CO2 available


Suction, tubing and appropriate yanker




ECG monitoring on


Functioning IV access in place


Frequency of observations decided including blood pressure


Scotstar drug chart printed


Consider drawing up resus drugs




Sepsis 6 checklist filled out if applicable – PTO for checklist


In correct bed space


Highlighted as a watcher


Decide frequency of medical reviews


Consider discussion with ITU


Ensure algorithms are available in event of deterioration



Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 13/08/2019

Next review date: 13/08/2021

Author(s): West of Scotland Critical Care Network.

Approved By: West of Scotland Critical Care Network