
Working in a busy hospital environment with a high clinical demand can be tiring and sometimes overwhelming. Working with a vulnerable patient group such as paediatrics can be physically and emotionally draining. Debriefing, taking time out and having access to support are important elements in dealing with such an environment. Different people employ a variety of different mechanisms and skills to manage the demanding role of working in healthcare. Support from friends and colleagues, talking through issues or having the space to unwind or process are some ways people find help with managing difficult situations or stress.

Staff health and wellbeing is essential for a sustainable workforce and safe patient care. Accessing available support services may help individuals to manage the load and maintain their own wellbeing, allowing them to continue caring for others.

If you would like to talk to someone or find some quiet space, regardless of the reason or trigger there are local services available. Some are listed below:

This information applies to all staff whether attached as rotating trainees, studying as students, or permanent employees.

Royal Hospital for Children Peer Support

Peer Support is a well documented and researched support mechanism for people involved in events with the potential for emotional impact. The Peer Support Network is a multi-disciplinary team of people who work within RHC who have undergone further training to help support their peers at RHC. This network is available to all staff who would benefit from chatting through issues with a friendly peer.

More information is available here.

Hospital Services

Bereavement Support for Staff:

Provides support and information sessions, staff consultation and confidential listening, team debriefs and access to study days.


Chaplaincy service:

Offers compassionate, person-centred care to the whole hospital community – people of all backgrounds, faiths and belief groups and none.

Sanctuary available on ground floor of Royal Hospital for Children if you are looking for a quiet space or place for reflection.

The Occupational Health Psychological Therapies Service (OHPTS)

This confidential service has been developed to respond to the emotional needs of staff at this time. It is available to all health and social care staff across Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and offers emotional and psychological support. They particularly recognise that it is okay not to feel okay at this time. Worry, stress, anger and/or sadness are all to be expected.

Call: 0141 277 7623
Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

How to access psychological support from OHPTS (Youtube)

NHS and Scottish Government Services

Support Around Death

This NHS Education for Scotland website aims to support healthcare staff who are working with patients, carers and families before, at, and after death. It provides key information on the clinical, legislative, and practical issues involved

National Wellbeing Hub

The National Wellbeing Hub is a partnership between national, local and professional bodies with a shared passion for looking after the emotional and psychological wellbeing of our country’s health and social services workers.

Call the National Wellbeing Helpline: 0800 111 4191

Covid-specific resources

Learning From Excellence

Reviewing what went right in an episode of care allows us to learn from and hopefully replicate what worked so well. Learning from Excellence gives us the opportunity to report, celebrate and learn from excellent practice, instead of always focusing on negative events. Giving praise and thanks to colleagues also makes them, and us, feel good. If you would like to highlight a colleague or team for their excellent practice then report here.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 23/03/2022

Next review date: 31/03/2025

Author(s): Monique McLeod.