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Conscious sedation is commonly used for electrophysiological procedures within the adult sector and in recent years has been implemented for selected adolescent patients in Royal Hospital for children (RHC), Glasgow.
The electrophysiological procedures for which conscious sedation is employed include diagnostic and ablation procedures for cardiac arrhythmias and the insertion of implantable electronic loop recorders.
The goals of procedural sedation and analgesia include administering the lowest dose of medication to:
Conscious sedation should be performed by specialised nurses, who have received appropriate training, under the supervision of the procedural Interventional Consultant Cardiologist and with back up support of consultant anaesthetist if required.
For fasting instructions please refer to Cardiac Fasting Guideline
NHSGGC - Fasting guidance for children with Congenital Heart Disease
The patient can bring an electronic device they can use with headphones throughout the procedure.
The terms moderate sedation and procedural sedation are now used interchangeably.
Sedation exists along a continuum that progresses from a state of minimal sedation to general anaesthesia.
Procedural sedation and analgesia is a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation (reflex withdrawal from a painful stimulus is not considered a purposeful response). No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway, spontaneous ventilation is adequate and cardiovascular function is maintained.
Equipment and environment
Sedation should be administered in an environment where constant monitoring can be provided.
Resuscitation equipment must be available (oxygen with an appropriate size mask and reservoir, oropharyngeal airway, LMAs (Laryngeal Mask Airway), endotracheal tubes, suction catheters, resuscitation drugs). Flumazenil and Naloxone must be readily available.
Monitoring equipment - see below
Procedural monitoring
Before sedation is given, standard monitoring of patients undergoing Electrophysiology studies and Radiofrequency ablation includes recording:
Before the administration of any sedative, assess the patient’s baseline sedation level and establish baseline capnography. If sedation scores above 0, do not administer any medications. Investigate possible causes of sedation e.g. other medications and discuss findings with the Consultant Cardiologist.
During the procedure:
Should be monitored continuously during the procedure and documented every 15 minutes. This monitoring should continue until the patient is stable after the procedure. All observations should be recorded on Anaesthetic chart.
Combinations of carefully titrated sedative, analgesic and hypnotic medications alter a patient’s level of consciousness and enhance cooperation. However, sedative and analgesic medications also may produce synergistic effects which may lead to deep sedation to general anaesthesia. Successfully producing a sedate, analgesic state and minimizing complications (respiratory distress, cardiovascular depression and hypoxemia) requires an understanding of these medications as well as the reversal agents that may be needed if the level of sedation becomes deeper than intended.
Midazolam is a benzodiazepine used for inducing moderate sedation. Dose: 0.05-1 mg/Kg. Peak effect: 3-5 min. Duration: 30-60 min.
Fentanyl is a strong opioid that is being used as analgesia during the procedure. Dose: 1-5 mcg/kg. Maximum respiratory depression occurs within 7-10 min after IV administration.
Flumazenil is used to reverse unwanted side effects of benzodiazepines such as midazolam. It is available in an ampoule of 500 micrograms in 5 ml.
Do not give further doses of benzodiazepines.
Flumazenil should not be given to an epileptic child who had been on long term benzodiazepine treatment, as it may precipitate a withdrawal convulsion.
No patient shall be discharged from Cardiac Catheterisation Lab before being assessed by the Anaesthetist or Cardiologist in charge of the patient’s care.
Patients should be sent to recovery for at least 20 minutes after giving flumazenil to check for signs of re-sedation.
The duty anaesthetist should be informed.
Naloxone is used to reverse the unwanted effects of opioids such fentanyl
Do not give further doses of fentanyl or opioids for at least 30 minutes following administration of naloxone.
No patient shall be discharged from Cardiac Catheterisation Lab before being assessed by the Anaesthetist or Cardiologist in charge of the patient’s care.
Patients sent to Recovery for at least 20 minutes after giving naloxone to check for signs of re-sedation.
The duty Anaesthetist should be informed.
Ondansetron is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist used to prevent nausea and vomiting during the procedure. Dose: 0.15 mg/kg
Paracetamol has a central analgesic effect and can be used alone or in combination with opioids. Dose IV: 15 mg/kg every 4-6 hrs (bodyweight 10-50 kg); 1 g every 4-6 hrs (body-weight 50 kg and above)
Administer oxygen at a flow of 2 litres via nasal cannula whilst monitoring CO2
Record the drug, dose, route and time given in the patient’s prescription chart
Preparation, administration and destruction of the fentanyl syringe must be recorded in the controlled drug register.
If patient requirements suggest that the limits described within this protocol are likely to be exceeded, the Anaesthetist supporting the procedure must be called to review
Administration of sedative and analgesic agents carries some risks and complications that include:
These medications alter airway muscle activity, which can lead to airway obstruction. Signs and symptoms include:
Use sedation airway management algorithm if airway obstruction and respiratory compromise occur during procedural sedation (see Airway management Algorithm).When an obstruction is identified, an immediate consultation with an anaesthetist for additional airway support and possible intubation should be requested.
Whilst awaiting Anaesthetist’s attendance, speak to and touch the patient to assess the level of consciousness and stimulate them. If these efforts aren’t successful and do not relieve the obstruction, use the lateral head tilt. This manoeuvre moves the head from a neutral to a lateral position in an attempt to provide partial or complete relief.
If head tilt is not successful, try the chin lift, which permits anterior movement of the mandible through superior displacement of the chin. This manoeuvre, combined with hyperextension of the head and neck and forward displacement of the mandible, will elevate the soft tissue anteriorly.
If verbal or tactile stimulation, head tilt, and chin lift do not relieve the airway obstruction, the patient has entered a state of deep sedation or general anaesthesia. If obstruction isn’t relieved and airflow restored, oxygen desaturation and hypoxemia will ensue. Next try the jaw thrust manoeuvre.
If jaw thrust does not relieve the obstruction, consider pharmacologic reversal.
A yearly audit on quality of conscious sedation is required. It should contain the following metrics:
Last reviewed: 10 March 2022
Next review: 28 February 2026
Author(s): Lisa Kennedy, Karen McLeod, Stefania Leone
Version: 1
Approved By: Scottish Paediatric Cardiac Service