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This guideline updates the previous Respiratory Management of Preterm Infants guideline (June 2016). This reflects current evidence for the use of primary respiratory support with nasal CPAP in selected infants. It continues to provide guidance for the use of intubation and surfactant therapy or less invasive surfactant administration (LISA), for those infants who require escalation of support or who fail on CPAP alone. It also presents some of the current approaches to the use of postnatal steroids in preterm infants.
This Guideline is intended for use by the medical and nursing staff of the Neonatal Units in the West of Scotland. Please refer to Local Pharmacy guidelines for use of any medications mentioned.
Staff should be familiar with the function of all respiratory support devices (Resuscitaires, CPAP devices & Ventilators) in use within their local service.
Worldwide approximately 10% of deliveries are preterm deliveries and majority of this population need some form of respiratory support (CPAP, intubation, surfactant) at the time of delivery and thereafter. Every form of respiratory support is aimed at improving survival, survival without neuro-developmental impairment (NDI) and survival without chronic lung disease (CLD).
In spite of advances in neonatal medicine and improved survival, the incidence of CLD remains high. The incidence ranges from 30% among VLBW infants and 40% among infants <28 weeks1. CLD has a huge impact on health economics and it is a predictor of significant neuro-motor, developmental and behavioural sequelae 2,3.
This guideline presents strategies for initial respiratory support of the preterm infant at risk of respiratory distress syndrome.
The choice of strategy will depend on a number of factors including:
Types of CPAP Machine & Interfaces:
The preferred method of CPAP delivery is by short binasal prongs or nasal mask using an Infant flow driver interface with humidification of the inspired gases (devices using this interface include – Infant Flow Driver, Viasys SiPAP and the Inspiration Systems Fabian ventilators / CPAP). This method of CPAP delivery, utilising the fluidic flip model, is more physiological, reduces the work of breathing and has been shown to be more effective. Where a device utilising such an interface is not available e.g. in labour ward, or for transfer to the neonatal unit, CPAP may be given via a face mask for transfer. The infant should be transferred to an appropriate CPAP device as soon as is possible.
CPAP initiation and Maintenance:
Predictors of CPAP Failure:
Current evidence suggests that more than 50% of preterm infants do not manage on CPAP therapy alone. These babies will require escalation of respiratory support. Evidence from systematic review would suggest that the effects of surfactant are greater when given early in the disease process. It is therefore essential to identify early those infants who are going to fail CPAP alone. Such a decision is based on multiple factors and a thorough clinical assessment, which should consider the size and maturity of the infant, whether they received antenatal steroids, and the stage of their respiratory illness
(NB - lower thresholds should apply for an infant in the first few hours after birth).
The following factors should prompt a consideration of the need to administer surfactant +/- ventilate the infant.
For infants with a good respiratory drive who are managed on primary CPAP and have increasing respiratory distress and a rising oxygen requirement due to RDS, less invasive techniques to deliver surfactant have been developed to reduce the need for mechanical ventilation. Less invasive surfactant administration (LISA) is the process by which surfactant is delivered directly into the lungs via a fine bore catheter inserted into the trachea while nasal CPAP is maintained.
Recent evidence suggests that a threshold FiO2 of 30% should be used for all infants <32 weeks gestation to reduce complications of untreated RDS. Where there are risk factors for RDS and a rising FiO2 trend or significant increased work of breathing, with evidence of RDS on chest x-ray, early surfactant administration via LISA prior to reaching current FiO2 thresholds may be considered at consultant discretion. While this technique is still relatively new, it is advisable that it is performed in the controlled environment of the NICU rather than in the delivery room. Use of a videolaryngoscope where available is also beneficial to ensure correct catheter placement prior to surfactant administration.
Indications for performing LISA:
Contraindications to performing LISA:
Absolute Contraindications
Relative Contraindications
Detailed procedure available in the West of Scotland LISA guideline
Intubation in the labour suite
Clinical assessment at the time of delivery should take into account the size and maturity of the infant, antenatal steroid therapy, and the condition immediately following delivery. The clinician may choose to intubate electively, on the basis of this assessment, or if one of the following is present.
Where intubation is required in the delivery room this will normally be performed without sedation.
Refer to the intubation guideline to choose an appropriately sized ETT, determine the insertion length and methods of ensuring correct ET position.
Following correct ET placement, the clinician may choose to administer an initial dose of surfactant prior to transfer or they may elect to administer surfactant following a confirmatory CXR on arrival in NICU. Where it is decided to delay administration of surfactant until transfer to the neonatal unit there should be a delay of no more than 30 minutes. (MCQIC BPD reduction package)
Intubation in NICU
Intubation in NICU usually results from the infant having met the criteria for CPAP failure, although it may be required for other reasons, such as the need to transport an infant to another centre for ongoing care. A persistent and rising oxygen requirement in the first few hours after birth may be an indication for intubation, in particular if associated with an increased work of breathing. This may be especially relevant if there is evidence of worsening RDS despite surfactant administration via LISA. Later in the infant’s course, a higher level of FiO2, up to around 40%, may be tolerated if none of the other criteria are met
Unless the infant requires urgent intubation this should be performed with sedation and muscle relaxation.
Following intubation, a CXR should be performed promptly to ensure appropriate endotracheal tube positioning prior to surfactant administration.
In a ventilated infant, If FiO2 is rising rapidly consider DOPE
D - Displacement of ETT or CPAP prongs
O - Obstruction of ETT or nasal airway. Consider suction of ETT or nose as appropriate
P - Pneumothorax listen to air entry bilaterally, consider cold light / CXR
E - Equipment failure
If these are excluded, then this may represent worsening RDS and need for increased respiratory support. Senior review is advised
Detailed intubation procedure available in the West of Scotland Intubation guideline
Type - The surfactant currently used in all neonatal units in the West of Scotland is Poractant alpha (Curosurf).
Timing of administration – Early (<2h) surfactant therapy is more effective than delayed surfactant therapy. An initial dose may be given at birth in infants at high risk of RDS who are intubated in the delivery room, after an early (< 30 minutes) CXR if electively intubated in NICU or via LISA.
Initial Dose – The licensed initial dose is 100-200 mg / kg with evidence that the higher dose is more effective and results in the need for fewer repeat doses. Given the cost per vial, it is usual practice to give multiples of whole vials (120 / 240 mg vials available) to approximate this dose. If administering surfactant on labour ward where the weight is unknown it is reasonable to administer a whole 120mg vial and to consider a supplementary aliquot on arrival in NICU once the weight is known.
Repeat doses - Additional doses of surfactant may not be required for infants with low respiratory support requirements after the initial dose. One or two further doses may be administered if the infant continues to require high FiO2 or inspiratory pressures. The licensed dose for such additional treatments is 100 mg/kg, again usually giving a multiple of whole vials to approximate this dose.
Technique – In intubated infants, to ensure even distribution, ensure the correct length of ETT insertion. Administer via a fine bore catheter inserted down the ETT, ensuring that the catheter is slightly shorter than the length of the ETT. Administer as a single aliquot over 5-10 seconds (more rapid administration may induce a cough reflex forcing expulsion of part of the dose). Ensure there is no surfactant bubbling up into the ETT connector before reconnecting to a ventilator, as this may damage the sensitive flow monitor of the ventilator. (This may require a few manual breaths via a NeoPuff or Ambubag until surfactant is no longer visible in the ETT). For a few minutes only, keep the head in the midline and the ETT held above the baby to ensure the whole dose has been absorbed before returning the infant to a developmentally appropriate position for ongoing care.
Post surfactant management – Lung compliance may improve rapidly after surfactant administration. This will require close attention to weaning respiratory support, or the use of a volume targeted ventilation strategy in ventilated infants.
Caffeine therapy
All infants <30 weeks gestation and any infant <32 weeks with poor respiratory drive should be commenced on caffeine therapy routinely. This improves respiratory mechanics and is a prerequisite for the consideration of early extubation.
Ventilation strategies
Ventilation strategies should aim to minimize lung injury by avoiding overinflation.
Volume targeted ventilation (Volume guarantee (VG) / Targeted Tidal Volume (TTV)) as an adjunct to a patient triggered ventilator mode (Patient triggered ventilation (PTV) / Synchronised Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (SIPPV) / Assist-Control (A/C)) has been shown to reduce lung injury and subsequent CLD. If such a mode is not used, then close attention will be needed to ventilation to ensure that appropriate weaning occurs as compliance improves.
pCO2 levels
It is unnecessary, and potentially injurious, to target “normal” CO2 values. CO2 values of up to 8-8.5 kPA may be tolerated, assuming the infant can maintain an acceptable H+ (<60 – 65 nmol/l).
Routine use of sedation or paralysis is discouraged as it is known to prolong the time on ventilation. Infants should be regularly assessed for pain or discomfort and offered appropriate analgesia as indicated.
O2 saturation targets
Target of 91-95% O2 saturations
Consideration of early extubation
If an infant has a good response to surfactant then consideration should be given to early extubation to non-invasive respiratory support. A full clinical assessment is required, but if early extubation is considered the infant should fulfil the following criteria
Extubation may be to CPAP, high flow or to air, dependent on the size and maturity of the infant and the presence or absence of residual respiratory symptoms.
This section presents the postnatal steroid therapies currently in clinical use. There is evidence for each treatment strategy, however research in this area is ongoing and as such recent consensus statements are included below. Practice may differ between neonatal units as agreed by the clinical team.
Early low-dose systemic hydrocortisone
Evidence is emerging that early low-dose prophylactic hydrocortisone reduces CLD rates and mechanical ventilation days. The rationale for use is that steroid replacement helps to achieve physiological levels that may be supressed due to reduced cortisol production in extremely preterm infants. Its use is increasing in the management of preterm infants, although is not yet widespread.
The PREMILOC trial is the largest multicentre RCT comparing early low-dose hydrocortisone with placebo in infants born <28 weeks gestation. The trial demonstrated increased survival without CLD at 36 weeks gestation in the hydrocortisone group, with the effect being more pronounced in those born at 26-27 weeks gestation. In addition, more infants in the hydrocortisone group were successfully extubated by day 10 of life. In the 24 - 25 weeks subgroup, hydrocortisone treatment was associated with an increase in the rate of late-onset sepsis. There was no associated increase in GI perforation risk. In the 24-25 weeks subgroup, improved neurodevelopmental outcomes were observed at 2-year follow-up.
The MCQIC BPD reduction bundle suggests - Low-dose hydrocortisone should be considered for all infants born < 28 weeks for the first 10 days of life
Eligible infants:
Dosing regime:
Post-natal systemic dexamethasone
Treatment with systemic dexamethasone has been used to facilitate extubation, reduce mechanical ventilation days and reduce CLD. Associated adverse effects include hyperglycaemia, hypertension, growth failure and, when used in the first 7 days of life, increased risk of GI perforation and poorer long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. Therefore, the adverse effects of early dexamethasone given in the first week of life outweigh the potential benefits.
2019 European consensus
A short tapering course of low dose or very low dexamethasone should be considered to facilitate extubation in babies who remain on mechanical ventilation after 1–2 weeks
2019 NICE Guidance
Consider dexamethasone to reduce the risk of CLD for preterm babies who are 8 days or older and still need invasive ventilation for respiratory disease
2017 Cochrane review
Evidence showing both benefits and harms of treatment and limitations of available evidence suggests that it may be prudent to reserve the use of late (age >7 days) corticosteroids for infants who cannot be weaned from mechanical ventilation, and to minimise both dose and duration for any course of treatment.
Post-natal inhaled steroids
Therapy with inhaled or nebulised steroids such as budesonide is thought to reduce rates of CLD without the adverse effects associated with systemic steroids. Trials have compared different types of inhaled steroid and also the direct instillation of steroids endotracheally along with surfactant. Although use is increasing, there is no consensus as to optimal timing of treatment and the most effective dosing regime, therefore practice differs significantly between units.
Recommended Dosing regimen:
2019 European consensus
Inhaled budesonide can be considered for infants at very high risk of CLD
2019 NICE guideline
No recommendation on the use of nebulised budesonide in preterm babies requiring respiratory support, because of the lack of evidence.
2017 Cochrane review
There is increasing evidence from the trials reviewed that early administration of inhaled steroids to VLBW neonates is effective in reducing the incidence of death or CLD at 36 weeks'
Abbreviation: BPD: Broncho-Pulmonary dysplasia, CLD- Chronic Lung disease CPAP: Continuous Positive airway pressure, FRC: Functional Residual capacity; LISA: Less invasive surfactant administration, MIST: minimally invasive surfactant treatment, NDI: Neuro-Developmental Impairment; NLS: Neonatal life support; PIE: Pulmonary Interstitial emphysema; RCT: Randomized control trial, RDS: Respiratory distress syndrome.
Research Questions & Search strategy: Research questions were developed to define the optimal respiratory management in the preterm population (24+0 weeks to <=32 weeks) to improve both short term and long-term outcomes. We used Systematic review method of literature search.
CPAP at Delivery
Earlier systematic review on prophylactic surfactant showed decreased risk of pneumothorax, a decreased risk of pulmonary interstitial emphysema and a decreased risk of mortality when compared to selective use of surfactant. But there was no routine use of CPAP in the control arm of the studies5.
Four recent major RCTs: SUPPORT (24 wks-27 6/7wks), COIN (25+0/7wks -28 6/7), VON (26-296/7wks), CURPAP (25+0/7wks -28 6/7), showed individually no difference in the primary outcome of death or BPD between the CPAP and intubation groups, but did show a positive short term respiratory outcomes including the need for intubation, days of mechanical ventilation, mechanical ventilation at 7days, and post natal steroids use for BPD in the CPAP group. The overall meta-analysis with 1296 infants in the CPAP group and 1486 in the intubation group showed a significant benefit for the combined outcome of death and/or BPD in the CPAP group (RR 0.91, 0.84 to 0.99, Number needed to treat 25)6. The SUPPORT trial also showed a significant decrease in mortality, [23.9% vs. 32.1%, RR=0.74, (0.57, 0.98), p=0.034] in the immature strata of 24 to 25 6/7 weeks gestation randomized to CPAP. Moreover in the latest Cochrane review it has been shown that prophylactic use of surfactant is associated with higher risk of death /BPD ((RR: 1.12; 95% CI: 1.02–1.24; P <. 05)7.
Limitations of these trails:
With the understanding of these limitations, it is evident from the studies that CPAP is at least as effective/better than intubation in preterm population for prevention BPD or BPD/death.
Rationale for CPAP: CPAP increases the trans-pulmonary pressure and increased thoracic gas volume, thereby maintaining functional residual capacity (FRC) and recruits the collapsed alveoli. This increases surface area for gas exchange, reduces the amount work done by the infant each time and reduces intra-pulmonary shunt. This also triggers the release of surfactant from the pool. In animal studies constant distending pressure was also associated with lung growth.
Types Of CPAP Machine & Interfaces: Infant flow driver, which works on the fluid flip model, is more physiological and shown to reduce the work of breathing and shown to be effective. Use of either short Bi-nasal prongs or nasal mask is the current practice. Discussion about individual CPAP machines/interfaces is beyond the scope of this review.
CPAP initiation and Maintenance:
Complications Of CPAP:
Indication for Intubation.
Permissive Hypercapnia9
Ventilation Strategies 10:
Predictors of CPAP Failure:
Early Surfactant (<2hrs) Vs. Delayed surfactant:
Uses of surfactant:
Surfactant administration:
Post Surfactant Management:
Types of surfactant.
Repeat Doses Of Surfactant.
Last reviewed: 15 November 2021
Next review: 01 November 2024
Author(s): Dr Joyce O’Shea - Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde; Dr Sandy Kirolos – Neonatal Trainee NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Co-Author(s): Acknowledgement of work on previous versions: Dr Prakash Loganathan, - Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde; Dr Vrinda Nair - Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Ayrshire & Arran; Other professionals consulted: June Grant – Pharmacist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Approved By: West of Scotland Neonatology Managed Clinical Network
Document Id: 966