Hospital at Night (HaN) Operational Policy
Hospital at Night (HaN) Operational Policy (Abbreviated) Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow
HaN Roles and Responsibilities – The HaN Team
- Team Leader (senior RHSC doctor from the medicine rota)
- Clinical Night Co-ordinator (CNC)
- Doctors (foundation and specialty trainees)
- Clinical Support Workers (CSW)
- The Team Leader will be the Senior Med Reg on duty (cold reg)
Site and Tel No. | 1st HaN Meeting | Update & Review Meeting | Location of HaN Base |
RHGC 84435 01414524435 |
21.00 | 03.00 | HaN Base 2nd Floor, Anaesthetics Dept, outside Ward 2A |
Emergency Response
Overnight, an emergency response will be as a result of a 2222 Emergency call by the ward staff
Rapid Response
When a patient’s condition is such that the nurse considers that a doctor is required immediately he/she should page the senior doctor for that speciality directly.
Urgent Care Needs
Urgent care needs may be to prevent discomfort or relieve distress. The HaN team will aim to respond within an hour.
Routine Tasks
Routine tasks are non-urgent. HaN Team members will work to the standard where they will aim to respond within 3 hours.