For GOR: these infants do not need to be referred to a clinic. Provide the parents with information about GOR and support. If the infant is formula fed and being overfed, provide suggestions on appropriate amounts of milk and suggest the infant is held upright after feeds.
For GORD in formula fed infants:
- As above, provide advice on appropriate feed volumes and holding infants upright after feeds.
- Prescribe Carobel to thicken feeds
- If symptoms do not settle with Carobel, stop the Carobel and suggest Gaviscon (note – Gaviscon and Carobel should not be given together)
- If remains symptomatic offer a 4 week trial of Omeprazole (1-3 mg per kg per day). Prescribe the MUPS preparation with instructions on how to dissolve and administer these
For GORD in breastfed infants:
- Support the mother to continue with breastfeeding on demand; signpost to support where appropriate
- Gaviscon may be tried, but needs to be given as a paste which can be tricky in breastfed infants who are already distressed during feeds (mix 1 sachet with 5mls of cooled boiled water to form a paste; then add 10mls of water and mix; give part way through the feed)
- If remains symptomatic offer a trial of Omeprazole (1-3 mg per kg per day). Prescribe the MUPS preparation with instructions on how to dissolve and administer these
Note: One of the side-effects of Gaviscon is constipation. Carobel does not generally cause constipation.