There are lots of Self-help publications that you can access on line and via Internet searches. It is also considered good practice for charities and organisations, including the NHS, to provide accessible information to people about their condition and treatment.

Self-help materials and interventions have been thought helpful as a psychological intervention in their own right as well as a good starting point to therapist-delivered care. Such interventions have been referred to as ‘psychoeducation’ which is a general approach involving the provision of therapeutic information, written/video or web based materials as well as support and advice from professionals. Many self help materials use a cognitive, behavioural or problem-solving approach which many young people have found have helped them, and they don’t feel the need to attend CAMHS- whilst for others it has provided information and is a good starting point.

All information here has either been recommended to us by young people or parents who have used the material or is from a reliable source. However please note that if you are concerned about any deterioration or worsening of symptoms then please discuss this with the person that referred you or gave you this handout.


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