Referral Criteria: Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry Team Royal Hospital For Children, Glasgow (Tier 3/4 Specialist Service)


The Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry Team is a specialist multi-disciplinary team comprising of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Nursing, and a Paediatrician. We provide mental health and neuropsychiatric assessments, interventions and consultation on an inpatient and outpatient basis for children and young people who regularly attend medical or surgical teams at the RHC.  

We also provide an on call service between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, for assessment of acute mental health presentations within the RHC*, and for under-18s presenting in A&E at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals (QEUH).

We accept referrals from:

  • All paediatric specialties and departments within the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow (inpatient and outpatient) including A&E and the CDU
  • Accident and emergency at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals (QEUH) for young people under 18 years old.
  • GPs/CAMHS who meet below referral criteria

*with the exception of young people 12 years+ who have deliberately self-harmed who would instead be seen by the Intensive ICAMHS service.
**usually this would be joint working with relevant community CAMHS service/s

  1. The child/young person should be under 18 years of age


  1. The child/young person must be under the care of a Consultant at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow Royal Infirmary or QEUH, Glasgow


  1. require acute mental health assessment or
  2. have a physical health condition/symptoms or neuropsychiatric condition that is causing significant psychological/ behavioural or mental health difficulty
    1. this includes medically unexplained or functional symptoms, complex pain disorders and chronic fatigue syndromes requiring regular outpatient or inpatient care at the RHC or
  3. have a significant psychological/ behavioural/ mental health difficulty which is directly impacting on their ability to engage with treatment posing a significant or immediate risk to the child/young person.
  4. have an existing learning disability or neuropsychiatric or mental health** diagnosis and require support to manage admission or treatment at the RHC
  1. We also offer consultation to clinical teams who have concerns about:
    1. parents/carers who are presenting with significant mental health symptoms and are a potential risk to themselves and/or others (note, if ongoing support or intervention is required parents/carers will be referred to appropriate adult mental health services)
    2. complex systemic relationships between teams and families which is impacting on care

  • Eating Disorder Pathway
    • We offer support for children and young people with eating disorders who require admission to RHC due to physical health compromise. This includes assessment and treatment which can include meal time management in partnership with local CAMHS, ConnectEd and Paediatrics.
  • Learning Disability Consultation/Support Service
    • We offer advice and training to staff on how to support children and young people with complex neurodevelopmental needs who require attendance/admission to the RHC
  • Neurological Difficulties (Neurology Ward)
    • We have an embedded mental health nurse who offers support to the paediatric neurology team through consultation, assessment and treatment for children and young people with neuropsychiatric presentations.

  1. if procedural distress, refer to the Play Specialist service
  2. if moderate psychological/mental health/behavioural difficulty without significant impact on functioning refer to the Paediatric Psychology service
  3. if adherence difficulty without significant or immediate risk, refer to the Paediatric Psychology service
  4. if young person 12 years+ has self-harmed and is physically fit for discharge, refer to iCAMHS
  5. if mental health difficulties are not related to a paediatric condition/physical symptoms or attendance at the RHC, refer to local CAMHS service
  6. if difficulties are primarily related to school (e.g. attendance/attainment), refer to Educational Psychology (via the school).
  7. If difficulties are related to social circumstances or child protection concerns, refer to social work services

Referrals can be made by letter or referral proforma to Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry at:

  • Address: Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry Team Business Support, Office Block, Zone 2.01, Royal Hospital for Children, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TF
  • IF EMERGENCY/URGENT please Telephone: 0141 451 6529 Ext 86529

For further information please see Specialist Children’s Service Website:

If in doubt, please contact our ON CALL clinician on x86529 to discuss further

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 21/09/2020

Next review date: 30/11/2024

Author(s): Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry Team .

Reviewer name(s):,