- The child/young person should be under 18 years of age
- The child/young person must be under the care of a Consultant at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow Royal Infirmary or QEUH, Glasgow
- require acute mental health assessment or
- have a physical health condition/symptoms or neuropsychiatric condition that is causing significant psychological/ behavioural or mental health difficulty
- this includes medically unexplained or functional symptoms, complex pain disorders and chronic fatigue syndromes requiring regular outpatient or inpatient care at the RHC or
- have a significant psychological/ behavioural/ mental health difficulty which is directly impacting on their ability to engage with treatment posing a significant or immediate risk to the child/young person.
- have an existing learning disability or neuropsychiatric or mental health** diagnosis and require support to manage admission or treatment at the RHC
- We also offer consultation to clinical teams who have concerns about:
- parents/carers who are presenting with significant mental health symptoms and are a potential risk to themselves and/or others (note, if ongoing support or intervention is required parents/carers will be referred to appropriate adult mental health services)
- complex systemic relationships between teams and families which is impacting on care