- Paeds Liaison 0141 451 6529 Rhc.PaediatricLiaison@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
- Paediatric Neuropsychology 0141 451 6500 or 6554
- Maternity & Neonatology QEUH 0141 232 4333
- Play Specialists, Royal Hospital for Children, Ground Floor, 0141 452 4009
Callander Street Clinic
11 Callander Street, Glasgow G20 7JZ
Tel: 0141 232 9010
Twomax Centre, Old Mill Studios,
5th Floor, 187 Old Rutherglen Road, Glasgow G5 ORE
Tel: 0141 300 6380
North East CAMHS
Templeton on the Green
1st Floor, 62 Templeton Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 227 7515
West Centre,
60 Kinfauns Drive, Glasgow G15 7TS
Tel: 0141 207 7100
East Renfrewshire CAMHS
Barrhead Health Centre
213 Main Street, Barrhead, Glasgow G78 1SL
Tel: 0141 800 7886
West Dunbartonshire CAMHS
Acorn Centre,
Vale of Leven Hospital, Main Street, Alexandria G83 OUA
Tel: 01389 817324
Renfrewshire CAMHS
Aranthrue Centre,
103 Paisley Rd, Renfrew, PA4 8LH
Tel: 0141 886 5921
Inverclyde CAMHS
Larkfield Child and Family Centre,
Larkfield Road, Greenock, PA16 OXN
Tel: 01475 504447