Referral criteria: Paediatric Psychology (Tier 3 Specialist Service)


If in doubt, please contact our Available Clinician on x86574 to discuss.

We accept referrals from:

  • Consultants or other members of MDT within the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow and Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley

We see:

  • Children and young people up to the 18 years of age who meet the referral criteria below.
  • Parents/carers whose children meet the referral criteria below.

We also offer psychological consultation to any medical/clinical team for any child or family/parents/carers whose child/young person meets the following criteria

Primary Clinical Referral Criteria

  1. The child/young person must have a diagnosed medical condition and/or persistent physical health difficulty
  2. The child/young person must be under the care of a medical consultant at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
  3. The child/young person is demonstrating psychological/behavioural/mental health difficulty as a direct result of their chronic or persistent physical health condition
    1. if severe psychological/behavioural distress/psychiatric difficulty/significant risk of self harm, (refer to Paediatric Liaison Psychiatry in the first instance)
    2. if difficulty is not related to their medical condition,(they should be referred to their local CAMHS service in the first instance)
    3. if uncertainty/ambiguity as to whether a child’s psychological/behavioural difficulties are directly associated with their physical health condition, we will offer an initial assessment (RACS) appointment and make an informed decision about whether to refer on or continue to see the CYP.
    4. where difficulties are primarily related to school, referral should be made to Educational Psychology (via the school) in the first instance.
  1. The child/young person is demonstrating psychological/behavioural/mental health difficulty which is directly impacting on their ability to adhere to or engage in medical/clinical assessment/interventions/treatments.
    (if relates mainly to procedural distress, the agreed pathway is referral  to the Play Specialist service in the first instance)

Frequency of Attendance Criteria

The child/young person must:

  1. Be attending the Royal Hospital for Children on a regular basis as below:
    1. minimum of 3 monthly if GGC postcode or
    2. minimum of monthly attendance if non GGC postcode (if child from another health board and attending less than monthly, they should be referred to their local Paediatric Psychology department)


  1. Have a complex medical condition that requires attendance a the Royal Hospital for Children to see 2 or more clinical teams or
  2. Be a current inpatient at the Royal Hospital for Children

Additional Reasons for Referral

The CYP requires psychological assessment prior to a child undergoing surgery or a significant change to treatment where there is:

  1. A clinical care standard/protocol that recommends psychological assessment e.g renal transplant/bone marrow transplant/DSD gender re-assignment surgery or
  2. Concern as to how well the child/family is likely to cope with ongoing treatment/care demands post surgery/treatment change or
  3. A significant difficulty for the CYP or parents regarding decision to go ahead with treatment surgery which is not responding to usual approaches.

The CYP requires cognitive assessment where there is:

  1. A clinical care standard / protocol that recommends cognitive assessment prior to surgery/change in treatment
  2. Where it is felt that their physical health condition is having a significant impact on their cognitive function
    • (nb/ were the child has a neurological health condition, they should be referred to Paediatric Neuropsychology in the first instance;
    • Nb/were the child is struggling with school concerns should also be raised with the school/assessment from an Educational Psychologist should also be sought)

Types of difficulties we are likely to see

(nb/ CYP must meet basic referral criteria as noted above i.e. difficulties must be associated with physical health):

  • Adherence (medical)
  • Adherence (dietary)
  • Adjustment
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Complex Decision Making
  • Coping with Body Image
  • Coping with Symptoms
  • Feeding
  • Mood
  • Pain
  • Palliative Care
  • Parenting (Adjustment and Coping)
  • Parenting (Behavioural Management)
  • Procedural Anxiety
  • Self Esteem
  • Support with New Diagnosis
  • Transition
  • Traumatic Stress

Referrals we are unable to accept

  1. CYPF with psychological/mental health difficulties that pre-date medical difficulties or that are not associated with persistent physical health condition – should be referred to CAMHS.
  2. CYPF with high levels of risk e.g. self-harm/suicidality or psychiatric difficulty – should be referred to either Psychiatry Liaison (if associated physical health condition) or CAMHS (if no associated physical health condition).
  3. CYPF with child protection concerns – should be referred to Social work.
  4. CYPF with difficulties primarily associated with school/education – should be referred to Educational psychology/school.
  5. CYPF with conduct/behavioural difficulties/drug alcohol should be referred to Social Work
  6. Work with siblings of CYP who reach or referral criteria (they need a GP referral to their local CAMHS service)
  7. CYP with chronic fatigue syndrome/ ME
  8. CYP with elimination problems
  9. CYP with weight management problems

If in doubt, please contact our available clinician on x86499/x86574 to discuss

Useful contact details

  • Paeds Liaison 0141 451 6529
  • Paediatric Neuropsychology 0141 451 6500 or 6554
  • Maternity & Neonatology QEUH 0141 232 4333
  • Play Specialists, Royal Hospital for Children, Ground Floor, 0141 452 4009

Callander Street Clinic
11 Callander Street, Glasgow G20 7JZ
Tel: 0141 232 9010

Twomax Centre, Old Mill Studios,
5th Floor, 187 Old Rutherglen Road, Glasgow G5 ORE
Tel: 0141 300 6380

North East CAMHS
Templeton on the Green
1st Floor, 62 Templeton Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 227 7515

West Centre,
60 Kinfauns Drive, Glasgow G15 7TS
Tel: 0141 207 7100

East Renfrewshire CAMHS
Barrhead Health Centre
213 Main Street, Barrhead, Glasgow G78 1SL
Tel: 0141 800 7886

West Dunbartonshire CAMHS
Acorn Centre,
Vale of Leven Hospital, Main Street, Alexandria G83 OUA
Tel: 01389 817324  

Renfrewshire CAMHS
Aranthrue Centre,
103 Paisley Rd, Renfrew, PA4 8LH
Tel: 0141 886 5921  

Inverclyde CAMHS
Larkfield Child and Family Centre,
Larkfield Road, Greenock, PA16 OXN
Tel: 01475 504447

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 18/12/2024

Next review date: 31/12/2027

Author(s): Paediatric Psychology.