How to Set Up Fibreoptic Bronchoscopes



Fibreoptic bronchoscopy is an essential skill for all anaesthetists to ensure airway management is safe. In RHC Glasgow theatre department, due to the variability in patient age/size and due also to the different applications of fibreoptic bronchoscopy, there are multiple different items of equipment which may be asked for.

To enable safe airway management and to reduce staff anxiety surrounding preparing this equipment, this guideline is necessary as a reference for staff as the procedure is low frequency, which causes skill fade.

The guidance is available in printed form within the hospital’s “difficult airway trolleys” and as an online resource in the App and on the RHC website. This makes accessibility universal and independent of internet access.


These documents are procedural guidance


This guideline is relevant for any staff group who may be involved in the set-up and /or use of fibreoptic bronchoscopes within (or affiliated to) the theatre department of RHC Glasgow. This includes, but is not limited to, anaesthetists, nurses, operating department practitioners, healthcare support workers and nursing auxiliaries.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/01/2025

Next review date: 31/01/2028

Author(s): Dr Neal Willis, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist RHC.

Author email(s):

Approved By: RHC Paediatric Anaesthetics Dept

Reviewer name(s): Dr Alyson Walker Paediatric Anaesthetist RHC.