Keywords to aid searching: these don’t have to be MESH keywords. use any words that might direct a user search to your app abbreviations are allowed, IDDM JET GCS Ventolin epipen = all fine, however CF DI Na K O2won’t work as the search facility only triggers when 3 characters have been entered. The keywords don’t even have to appear in your text & won’t appear on the displayed app, they will aid searching.
Guidelines Author Guidance

What's new / Latest updates
New review process is coming soon. Names of reviewers will be published along with the relevant guideline.
This author guidance has been written to assist you in the process of compiling your guideline in a way that will ensure it displays well and is easily searchable within the app. If a word appears in bold in this guidance we would strongly encourage you to put something in this field, if a word is underlined, this topic will apply to some guidelines only.
If you need further advice on the structure please email
Objectives: Please supply us with one or two sentences stating the objectives/ terms of reference for the advice within your document. The guideline reviewers will be asked; referring to sections objectives, scope and audience is the guideline’s purpose clear?
Scope: This field defines the area of use e.g. within PICU only / all patients under the care of the ... them / all children in hospital with ... / all children with ... during admission & in the community.
It may be more appropriate to define scope as to which patients the guideline does not apply to; e.g. all children except neonates / children with DI unless following neurosurgery etc.
We have many users in primary care, if appropriate please consider including appropriate advice for referral and appropriate care pending specialist consultation.
If you need further advice on the structure please email
Audience: The app is intended for health professionals & states this on the opening page, if you need to be more specific about who should be responsible for enacting advice within your guideline than please state so here
In addition to the official set of CE approved clinical guidelines, the app will display any information written by your department that you consider would be helpful to health professionals at the point of care.