Patients living in more remote areas out with those listed above may also be followed up in their local communities by community children’s nurses. Please see email addresses/ telephone numbers below for some of these areas. There is a designated Consultant Paediatrician for each of these areas so these patients should be highlighted/allocated to them directly (by email) rather than to the on call CDU consultant. Please include information as per other areas in your email referral.
This includes addresses in: Cardross, Colgrain & Ardoch (G82), Arden, Luss, Ardlui & Arrochar G83, Cove, Kilcreggan, Rosneath, Clynder, Garelochhead, Shandon, Rhu & Helensburgh all G84 post codes.
The CCN is Alyson Methven. Email:
Telephone: 01436 655145 if no response to email
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Amita Sharma. Email:
The CCN is Kim Law. Email referrals to: Telephone for Dunoon office is 01369 708361
Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Kim - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Brian Kelly. Email:
Oban, Lorn and the Isles
The CCN is Sonja Ezergailis. Email: and copy in Alison Maccorquodale the child health secretary
Child Health office number: 01397 707452
Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Sonja - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.
Sonja covers Oban, Lorn and the Isles including Mull, Iona, Luing, Seil, Easdale, Lismore, Kerrera, Coll and Tiree.
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Ishbel MacGregor. Email:
No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at or telephone 01436 635157
Or contact GP practice directly to discuss follow up at 01546 462002 or by email to
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Suzanne Higgins. Email:
Isle of Bute
The CCN for Bute is called Kim Law. Email: Telephone for Bute office is 01700501543
Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Kim - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Sara Winter. Email:
No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at or telephone 01436 635157
Or contact Child’s GP practice directly to see if they can follow up locally
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Craig Swinburne. Email:
No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at or telephone 01436 635157
Or contact Child’s GP practice directly to see if they can arrange follow up locally
Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Ishbel MacGregor. Email: