Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) – New patient follow-up SOP


This SOP highlights the procedure to be followed to arrange follow-up for patients attending the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, Emergency Department (ED) or Clinical Decisions Unit (CDU) with a NEW diagnosis of Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP).

Follow up is undertaken in the community by Community Childrens’ Nursing (CCN) Teams and arrangements vary dependent upon the home address of the patient (see below).

It is imperative that the responsible Consultant Paediatrician is aware of the patient attendance and follow up plan. This is usually the consultant paediatrician who is “On-call” in CDU in the daytime on the date of attendance, NOT the late shift consultant, unless they specifically request this.

If the patient has not required review by Medical Paediatrics during their acute attendance it is the responsibility of the ED clinician to organise follow-up and inform the medical paediatric team. The easiest way to do this is to call the medical registrar to advise them that a patient with HSP requires follow up. They can advise who the responsible paediatric consultant will be and add the patient to the bottom of the CDU handover document so that the consultant is made aware the following morning.

Please create a new clinical note on Clinical Portal for all patients referred to community children’s nursing teams for follow up.  This note should include what follow up arrangements have been made and for when. It must also include the name of the responsible Consultant Paediatrician (not ED consultant) and the patient’s Blood Pressure and HEIGHT must be documented - this is essential for future accurate blood pressure interpretation.

Glasgow address

Please refer to the Glasgow CCN team via Trakcare form stating “for HSP follow up as per pathway” and indicate when they need to be seen.

Trakcare instructions:

  1. Highlight patient
  2. Click on New Request tab at top of page
  3. Click on Other tab on next page
  4. Within subcategory box (right side of screen) search for and select Community Children’s Nursing Team (CCNT)
  5. Within Item box search for and select Community Children’s Nursing Team - Paeds
  6. Then select update. This will bring up the referral form requiring clinical information to be completed
  7. Please fill accordingly - ensure that the child’s height is included and the name of the responsible consultant paediatrician (NOT Late or ED consultant) – as this is who the CCN team will contact with any future issues.

Inform the medical paediatric registrar of the patient at the time of discharge.  They do not have to see them but the patient’s details should be put onto medical paediatric handover so that the on-call consultant knows they have an HSP follow up patient under their name. The patient can then be discussed at morning handover.

As soon as possible in working hours please also contact the CCN team directly to ensure that the referral has been received and is being actioned.

Tel: 0141 201 0677   Email: ggc.ccnursing.team@nhs.scot

Cambuslang/Rutherglen address

These areas fall within RHC catchment for acute services however community services are delivered by Lanarkshire, so this group are referred to the Lanarkshire CCN team.

The Lanarkshire CCN team do not accept Trakcare referrals. Please refer to their service using the request for assistance form (RFA). Complete as much information as you know but be sure to include:

  • Child's name, date of birth, CHI and address
  • Parent/guardian name and contact telephone number
  • Date of hospital attendance to allow for accurate follow up date to be arranged
  • Any child protection concerns or additional support needs
  • Any pending results to be chased (e.g. urinary protein: creatinine ratio)
  • Child’s height, weight and blood pressure
  • Name of responsible Consultant Paediatrician for future contact

Once the form is completed please email to: ccnteam@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

The team contact telephone number is 01698 366035. If you do not receive email acknowledgement of your referral please call to ensure it has been received.

Vale of Leven/West Dunbartonshire address

These areas are followed up by the West Dunbartonshire CCN team based at the Acorn Centre in the Vale of Leven Hospital. This includes patients from Alexandria, Dumbarton, Clydebank and Balloch areas.

Please email your referral to: ggc.acorncommunitychildrensnursingteam@nhs.scot

The team contact telephone number is 01389 817429. If you do not receive email acknowledgement of your referral please call to ensure it has been received

Referrals should state “for HSP follow up as per pathway” and include the information below:

  • Child's name, date of birth, CHI and address
  • Parent/guardian name and contact telephone number
  • Date of hospital attendance to allow for accurate follow up date to be arranged
  • Any child protection concerns or additional support needs
  • Any pending results to be chased (eg urinary pcr)
  • Child’s height, weight and blood pressure
  • Name of responsible Consultant Paediatrician for future contact

Inverclyde address

Patients from Greenock, Gourock, Kilmacolm, Wemys Bay and Port Glasgow areas are followed up by the Inverclyde (IRH) CCN team. They are based in the Skylark centre, Level L-North at IRH.

The Inverclyde team hope to move to trakcare referrals early in 2025 however referrals remain by email currently. They also have a referral form that you can use.

Please email your referral to: ggc.ccninver@nhs.scot

The team contact telephone number is 01475 505065. If you do not receive email acknowledgement of your referral please call to ensure it has been received.

Referrals should state “for HSP follow up as per pathway” and include the information below:

  • Child's name, date of birth, CHI and address
  • Parent/guardian name and contact telephone number
  • Date of hospital attendance to allow for accurate follow up date to be arranged
  • Any child protection concerns or additional support needs
  • Any pending results to be chased (eg urinary pcr)
  • Child’s height, weight and blood pressure
  • Name of responsible Consultant Paediatrician for future contact

Paisley/Renfrewshire Address

The CCN team based at the Aranthrue centre provide follow up for all children in the Paisley/Renfrewshire area ie all PA1 - PA12 postcodes

Please email your referral to:


The team contact telephone number is 0141 314 4662

You will usually receive email acknowledgement of your referral, however, if you do not receive this please call to ensure it has been received.

Referrals should state “for HSP follow up as per pathway” and include the information below:

  • Child's name, date of birth, CHI and address
  • Parent/guardian name and contact telephone number
  • Date of hospital attendance to allow for accurate follow up date to be arranged
  • Any child protection concerns or additional support needs
  • Any pending results to be chased (eg urinary pcr)
  • Child’s height, weight and blood pressure
  • Name of responsible Consultant Paediatrician for future contact

Other Remote and Rural areas not listed above

Patients living in more remote areas out with those listed above may also be followed up in their local communities by community children’s nurses. Please see email addresses/ telephone numbers below for some of these areas. There is a designated Consultant Paediatrician for each of these areas so these patients should be highlighted/allocated to them directly (by email) rather than to the on call CDU consultant. Please include information as per other areas in your email referral.


This includes addresses in: Cardross, Colgrain & Ardoch (G82), Arden, Luss, Ardlui & Arrochar G83, Cove, Kilcreggan, Rosneath, Clynder, Garelochhead, Shandon, Rhu & Helensburgh all G84 post codes.

The CCN is Alyson Methven. Email: alyson.methven@nhs.scot

Telephone: 01436 655145 if no response to email

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Amita Sharma. Email: Amita.Sharma@nhs.scot


The CCN is Kim Law. Email referrals to: kim.law8@nhs.scot. Telephone for Dunoon office is 01369 708361  

Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Kim - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Brian Kelly. Email:  Brian.Kelly2@nhs.scot

Oban, Lorn and the Isles

The CCN is Sonja Ezergailis. Email: sonja.ezergailis@nhs.scot and copy in Alison Maccorquodale alison.maccorquodale@nhs.scot the child health secretary

Child Health office number: 01397 707452

Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Sonja - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.

Sonja covers Oban, Lorn and the Isles including Mull, Iona, Luing, Seil, Easdale, Lismore, Kerrera, Coll and Tiree.

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Ishbel MacGregor. Email: ishbel.macgregor3@nhs.scot


No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at brenda.kirk2@nhs.scot or telephone 01436 635157

Or contact GP practice directly to discuss follow up at 01546 462002 or by email to lochgilphead.surgery@nhs.scot

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Suzanne Higgins. Email: suzanne.higgins3@nhs.scot

Isle of Bute

The CCN for Bute is called Kim Law. Email:  kim.law8@nhs.scot Telephone for Bute office is 01700501543

Please complete an SBAR referral form as much as possible and email to Kim - ensure you add the child’s height and weight even if no obvious spot for this.

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Sara Winter. Email: Sara.Winter3@nhs.scot


No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at brenda.kirk2@nhs.scot or telephone 01436 635157

Or contact Child’s GP practice directly to see if they can follow up locally

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Craig Swinburne. Email: Craig.Swinburne2@nhs.scot


No CCN in post currently. Contact Brenda Kirk, Child Health Manager for West Argyll, at brenda.kirk2@nhs.scot or telephone 01436 635157

Or contact Child’s GP practice directly to see if they can arrange follow up locally

Consultant Paediatrician - Dr Ishbel MacGregor. Email: ishbel.macgregor3@nhs.scot

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 15/01/2025

Next review date: 31/01/2028

Author(s): Dr Allison McKie (Consultant in Paediatric Medicine, RHCG).

Approved By: Paediatric Emergency Department