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NHSGGC Paediatrics for Health Professionals
NHSGGC Paediatrics for Health Professionals
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GGC Paediatric Guidelines
RHC for Health Professionals
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GGC Paediatric Guidelines
GGC Paediatric Guidelines
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
GGC Paediatric Guidelines
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Acute Asthma Management, Children Under 2 years, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (334)
Acute Gastroenteritis Management in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (180)
Acute Medical Receiving - streaming from ED direct to CDU
Acute neonatal referral pathways
Acute Otitis Externa in Children, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (541)
Acute pain relief services protocol (APRS), paediatrics (1119)
Acute replacement of gastrostomy tubes (Emergency Department SOP)
Acute wheeze in children 2 years and older: assessment and management (623)
Acute wheeze: escalation to intravenous therapy for Acute Wheeze Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) for patients over 2 years old (1128)
Acutely disturbed or challenging behaviour in children with learning disabilities & / or ASD (aged 5-18 years)
Adrenal insufficiency in children, emergency management protocol, paediatrics (239)
Adrenal suppression secondary to exogenous glucocorticoid - guidance for children on long term steroid therapy
Adrenaline Auto Injector Prescription, Paediatric Allergy Service (142)
Airway Burns and Inhalation Injury Management Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (044)
Antibiotic management of suspected or confirmed invasive Group A Streptococcus (iGAS) infection in children
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Paediatric Surgery (228)
Antidote locations for RHCG
Aspiration of a foreign body children, paediatrics (058)
Atraumatic painful limb
Bell's Palsy guidelines, paediatrics (532)
Bomb blast injuries in children: antibiotic management (607)
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event or BRUE (ALTE guideline update), paediatrics (056)
Buckle fracture
Burn, looking after your child's (ED parent advice sheet)
Burns – admission & follow up guidance
Call out of cardiac theatre and perfusion team for advanced trauma call
Cardiac transplant patient - paediatric acute care management pathway (1080)
Child Death Review procedures, RHC
Child protection bundle: Emergency Department & Minor Injury Unit (adult & children)
Child Protection pathways where concern for neglect or abuse - RHC ED
Child Protection Policies & Procedures [Staffnet]
Child sexual exploitation, recognition and response: guidance for health staff
Clinical operation policy for ALL CT imaging requests from the Emergency Department Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Community Nursing Teams - Scotland, contact numbers
Conjunctivitis Management in Children, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (075)
Constipation in children, paediatrics (540)
Cow's milk protein allergy in infants, Paediatrics (300)
Critical Care Adolescent Patient Pathway
CROUP Management in Children, Paediatrics (533)
Decreased consciousness level in children: management of
Diabetes mellitus, management during surgery
Diabetes, new presentations and suspected diagnoses
Diabetic ketoacidosis including fluid calculation sheet
Digital camera policy: ED & SSW
Discarded needles, managing injuries from needles discarded in the community
Domestic abuse, identifying and responding to within NHSGGC Children's Services
Electrical injuries, Paediatrics, RHCG (1085)
Emergency Contraception - Paediatric Emergency Medicine (117)
Emergency paediatric tracheostomy management
Epistaxis management in children, paediatrics (490)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) guidance, paediatrics (126)
Escalation policy to maintain safety - RHC Standard Operating Procedure
Febrile Convulsion
Febrile neutropenia, out of hours pathway for RHC
Fever in the returning paediatric traveller
Feverish Illness in Children (< 5 years), Paediatrics (461)
First Afebrile Seizure Management, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (130)
Fracture manipulation management for RHC ED
Glasgow Emergency Paediatric ECG Guideline (GEPEG)
Guidance for patients with suspected plague (Yersinia pestis infection): RHC ED
Guideline for contacting the ED consultant on call between Midnight and 9am
Guideline for Emergency Departments, Minor Injury Units and Receiving Units where a child or young person presents under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
Haematuria, management and investigation in Paediatrics (145)
Hand and finger fractures
Head injury / concussion advice leaflet for parents/guardians
Head Injury, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (538)
Headaches in children
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) – ‘New’ patient follow-up SOP
How to add a patient to the ED expects list - RHC ED
How to complete a notification of concern form (ED SOP)
Hypercyanotic episodes in tetralogy of fallot, paediatrics (534)
Hypoglycaemia management in children, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (507)
Incidental hyperglycaemia / glycosuria
Incidental murmur guideline, paediatrics (399)
Infection management guideline: empirical antibiotic therapy in children (122)
Ingested foreign bodies, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (535)
Initial diagnosis of Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Intermittent / borderline hyperglycaemia
Intoxicated children and adolescents (170)
Intravenous Fluid Guidance in Previously Well Children Aged 7 Days to 16 Years (172)
IV Ketamine Paediatric Sedation Proforma
Jehovah's Witness management, paediatric patients (644)
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), management in children (536)
Ketamine sedation: information leaflet for parents and caregivers
Laboratory Chain of Evidence form & notes for use in the ED
Major haemorrhage protocol
RHC Major Incident Plan
Major Paediatric Trauma - Imaging Flowchart
Major Trauma Single Point of Contact (SPOC) SOP – RHCG
Malaria treatment guidelines, paediatrics
Recognition and management of maltreatment in infants (children under the age of 1)
Maltreatment in children under the age of 1: injury proforma [Staffnet]
Management of acutely disturbed or challenging behaviour in children aged 5-12 years
Management of atopic eczema in children (356)
Management of inter-hospital transfers by RHC Emergency Department
Management of mpox, RHC Glasgow
Managing SAS pre-alert for newborns delivered in the community - RHC ED
Managing sexual activity in young people: recognition and criteria for referral (1090)
Medical Acute Receiving Unit Guide for Hi-Flo (AIRVO) Use in Bronchiolitis
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - RHC ED patient pathway guidance
Moving and handling the child with suspected/diagnosed spinal injury: application of Miami-Jr and Miami J collar, Standard Operating Procedure
Moving and handling the child with suspected/diagnosed spinal injury: log rolling, Standard Operating Procedure
MRI Imaging Out of Hours: Acute Spinal Trauma, RHCG
Nasal injuries in children, emergency department, Paediatrics (197)
Nasal injury advice sheet (parent information)
Needlestick injuries and exposure to blood and high risk body fluids: initial action plan
New psychoactive substances, emergency department, Paediatrics (364)
Next Day Surgical Procedures (fasting guidance) – parent information leaflet
NHSGGC Guideline for the Management of non IgE Cows Milk Allergy in Infants
Non-Blanching Rash, management in children, Paediatrics (537)
Notification of diseases to Public Health
Orbital cellulitis protocol, ENT department
Paediatric General Surgery - Processes in ED
Paediatric neck lumps (diagnosis and management)
Paediatric Procedural Sedation with IV Ketamine SOP – RHCG ED
Paediatric Transfer Documentation – GG&C
Paediatric Transfer Traffic Light : risk assessment
Pain management in children, paediatric emergency medicine (335)
Pneumonia, community acquired guideline in children (230)
Pregnancy testing guidelines for girls aged 12 yrs & over (RHC)
Procedure for notification of child deaths [Staffnet]
Proteinuria on urinalysis in the Emergency Department
Pulled elbow, emergency medicine, paediatrics (187)
Rabies risk assessment and treatment following bat exposure
Radiological imaging transfer / viewing guidance
Rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia for intubation: checklist
Rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia for intubation: intubation drugs
Rapid tranquilisation of young people aged 12-17 years, algorithm
Referral Criteria for Paediatric Continence Service
Referral Pathway for Paediatric Continence Service
Referral Pathways for Head Injury Patients from Emergency Departments to RHC
Referral to Paediatric Major Trauma Centres in Scotland
Refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people: guidelines for use in the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
RHC ED 'Who Takes What?' referrals - Orthopaedics/Plastics/Neurosurgery
RHC ED debriefing proforma
RHC ED Front-door greeter SOP
RHC ED, CDU & Outpatient pathway for Infants with suspected Non IgE Cows milk protein allergy (CMPA)
RHC Fracture Clinic Pathway & how to arrange follow up (Ortho & Physiotherapy) (801)
RHC Glasgow - Acute admissions winter respiratory virus PCR testing
RHC Measles guidance (1144)
RHCG Fracture Management Guidance (940)
RHCG Major Trauma Team Emergency Department Activation and Response - Standard Operating Procedure
RHCG Paracetamol overdose guidance - 12-hr shortened N-acetylcysteine dosing schedule (SNAP protocol)
Roles and responsibilities of ED-based junior paediatric staff
Status Epilepticus Management
Sudden unexpected death in infancy and childhood: Multi-agency guidelines for care and investigation
Surgical and Urological Advice for RHCG ED
Suspected vascular injury clinical care pathway
Tertiary Survey Proforma for trauma – RHCG
Tetanus vaccination in children
Throat Infections, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics (336)
Tissue adhesives (management of accidental injury)
Torticollis (Congenital and acquired) Children, Emergency Department, Paediatrics (365)
Tranexamic acid in paediatric surgery and trauma
Trauma team roles and responsibilities
Unplanned return patient checklist, ED RHC
Unscheduled CAMHS referral flowchart
Upper limb injuries: assessment of neurological status
Urinary Tract Infection, Acute Management in Childhood, Paediatrics (273)
Urticaria Not Associated with Anaphylaxis, Management in Children, Paediatrics (508)
Varicella zoster infection (chickenpox): management in children (1008)
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever (VHF) patient pathway 2021 (Paediatric ED)
Virtual Fracture Clinic – Parent information leaflet (945)
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