Requests for an emergency out of hours MRI scan must be made after assessment and discussion with appropriate senior team members
- Neurological assessment should be made by the clinical team responsible for the patient
- This assessment should include consideration of patient suitability for MRI (i.e. safety/implants).
- The consultant in charge of the patient’s care must be aware of, and agree with, plans for discussion/scanning and transfer
- The patient should be discussed with the on call consultant paediatric neurosurgeon, to determine whether an out of hours scan will alter surgical management.
- The responsible clinical team will complete the request on Trakcare and contact the consultant paediatric radiologist on call to discuss the need for an out of hours MRI scan and whether the scan can be performed within RHC in a timely manner.
- The consultant paediatric neurosurgeon will be available to discuss the case further with the consultant paediatric radiologist on call, if required.
- For transfer to the Institute of Neurological Sciences (INS) for an emergency OOH scan, the paediatric radiologist will contact the neuro radiographer, and if required the neuroradiologist to arrange
- The Neuro Radiographer is on site on shift at the QEUH imaging department and can be contacted by bleep (6174)
Currently these examinations will be performed in the INS. Future staffing and service changes may allow them to be undertaken in QEUH using the above process