RHC Glasgow - Acute admissions winter respiratory virus PCR testing

The purpose of this SOP is to provide guidance on respiratory virus PCR testing for patients being admitted to RHC Glasgow for the winter period 2024-25.
Aims of testing:
- To assist with the timely diagnosis of the virus present in patients presenting with respiratory conditions.
- To aid in the bed management for admitted patients with respiratory symptoms – such as cohorts for RSV.
ITU / immunocompromised pulmonary virus PCR:
Also known as ‘Extended’ respiratory virus PCR testing.
- This should be taken in ED for ALL patients 2 years old and younger being admitted to CDU or other In-patient beds, who have respiratory symptoms / signs or breathing problems.
- This should be considered for all other patients being admitted with respiratory symptoms / signs if deemed relevant for patient management by the admitting team.
Respiratory virus PCR (influenza A/B, RSV):
To be requested on same virology sample in addition to ‘ITU / immunocompromised pulmonary virus PCR’ if concerns re: possible Mycoplasma pneumonia.
Point of Care Testing (POCT) for respiratory viruses:
The use of POCT testing for RSV / Influenza A / Influenza B / 2019 NCoV should be for the following situations:
- Urgent virus identification where the result will significantly impact the further investigation +/- care for the patient.
- An urgent result is required to facilitate bed management for the hospital.