- Suspected IgE mediated CMPA
- CMPA with faltering growth
- Advice required on specialist formulas
- SFU staff will replenish stocks of Aptamil Pepti and patient leaflets once per week. Please call SFU on 84434 if there is a supply issue
RHC ED, CDU & Outpatient pathway for Infants with suspected Non IgE Cows milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Management of Infants with Suspected Non IgE Cows Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) attending RHC
If CMPA is suspected the NHSGGC guideline for the management of Non IgE cows milk allergy in infants should be followed. Please click for the guideline and information on taking an allergy focused history.
Please refer to the NHS GGC milk free formulary for guidance on appropriate milk free formulas: GGC milk free formulary
Click on the image to view the pathway