Massive haemorrhage
Access nearest available Group O Negative units
Give 20ml/kg blood when available, 20ml/kg FFP and 5ml/kg cryo should be given.
This does not require coagulation screen results.
Give 10ml/kg platelets when available.
Continue transfusion to achieve:
Hb > 80g/l
Platelets > 75 x 109
Fibrinogen > 1.5 g/l (if not, transfuse 5ml/kg of cryo)
APTT/PT <1.5 x midpoint of normal (if not, transfuse 20ml/kg of FFP)
Additional interventions
Consider tranexamic acid 15mg/kg infused over 15 minutes followed by 2mg/kg infusion, for at least 8 hours or until bleeding stops. This treatment can be started within 3 hours of haemorrahage.
Novo 7, Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) – although current recommendation is that Novo 7 is not for use outside licensed indication, consideration should be given to its use where treatment options are limited and patient is exsanguinating. Please contact Consultant Haematologist.
Management of adverse complications
The following complications should be anticipated and managed appropriately in patients receiving multiple units of blood components.
Hypothermia– monitor temperature, keep patient warm. Consider active warming.
Hyperkalaemia– monitor potassium, initiate local protocol for treatment of any hyperkalaemia (glucose + insulin + bicarbonate).
Acidosis– monitor patient closely, take corrective action.
Hypocalcaemia– monitor calcium levels, correct as appropriate.
Management of Warfarin reversal
Stop warfarin
Give Vitamin K (30mcg/Kg) IV, consider higher doses if INR >8
Clotting factor replacement is required when there is active bleeding. 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC / trade name “Beriplex”) replacement therapy gives superior clotting factor replacement compared to FFP.
- Dosage is calculated based on the current INR and patient’s weight. (see table)
Approximate Dose
2.0 - 3.9
1ml/kg = 25iu/kg
4.0 - 6.0
1.4ml/kg = 35iu/kg
2 ml/kg = 50iu/kg
- Repeat the INR following Beriplex.
- Further doses of Beriplex or Vitamin K may be required.
To order Beriplex discuss with on call Haematologist and request via TrakCare.