For patients with a Glasgow address please DO NOT refer to ward 1C for follow up any longer.
Please refer to Glasgow CCN team via Trakcare stating for HSP follow up as per pathway and indicating when they need to be seen:
Trakcare instructions:
- Highlight patient
- Click on ‘New Request’ tab at top of page
- Click on ‘Other’ tab on next page
- Within subcategory box (right hand side of screen 2/3rd down) search for and select ‘Community Children’s Nursing Team (CCNT)’.
- Within ‘Item’ box (below subcategory box) search for and select ‘ Community Children’s Nursing Team Paeds’.
- Then select “update”. This will bring up the referral form requiring clinical information to be completed.
- Please fill accordingly and ensure the on call consultant paediatrician is named (NOT Late consultant) – as this is who the CCN team will contact with any problems.
Please also contact the CCN team to ensure referral received on 0141 201 0677 at next available in-hours opportunity.
Inform the medical paediatric registrar of the patient at the time of discharge. They do not have to see them but the patient’s details should be put onto medical paediatric handover so that the on-call consultant knows they have an HSP follow up patient under their name. The patient can then be discussed at morning handover.