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NHSGGC Paediatrics for Health Professionals
NHSGGC Paediatrics for Health Professionals
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GGC Paediatric Guidelines
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GGC Paediatric Guidelines
GGC Paediatric Guidelines
GGC Paediatric Guidelines
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Acute neonatal referral pathways
Admission criteria: Neonatal Unit & Transitional Care
Anti-Ro & Anti-La antibodies : Guideline for the management of babies born to mothers with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other autoimmune disorders
Antibiotic guidelines for the neonatal unit
Apnoea of Prematurity
Arterial lines: priming & calibration using the Kids Kit ™ closed blood sampling system : neonatal guideline
Bathing newborn infants
Bowel irrigation guidance : neonates
Capillary blood sampling
Cardiac genetics pathway for infants with congenital heart disease and the appropriate utilisation of irradiated blood
Child Death Review procedures, RHC
Confirming the position of a naso-gastric / oro-gastric tube in neonates
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CFH), Surgical Care Pathways (525)
Congenital syphilis : management of babies born to mothers with syphilis infection
Cooling mattress : Tecotherm Neo Instructions
Cranial ultrasound: a guideline for the performance of routine cranial USS for preterm infants
Criteria for attendance at delivery by neonatal staff
Cutaneous congenital anomalies
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) - congenital infection
Delayed Cord Clamping (DCC) WoS MCN, Obstetrics (345)
Developmental care guideline (964)
Developmental dysplasia of the hips (DDH) and congenital foot deformities
Early onset sepsis in the neonate: prevention and treatment
Enoxaparin use in Neonatal and Paediatric Critical Care (19)
Enteral feeding of preterm infants
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) Care of Neonates
Evaluation of the floppy infant
Expressed breast milk (maternal and donor)
Extravasation injuries: prevention and management (neonatal guideline)
Eye infections in the neonate: Ophthalmia Neonatorum and the management of systemic Gonococcal and Chlamydial infections
Haematology guideline, neonates
Hand washing policy (Neonatal Guidelines)
Heart murmurs in the neonate: an approach to the neonate with a heart murmur
Hepatitis B virus: prevention of perinatal transmission - National Neonatal Network Guideline: Blood Borne Virus during pregnancy
High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) : a guide to the use of HFOV in the neonate
Home oxygen therapy for neonates
Humidified High Flow Nasal Cannulae (HHFNC)
Hyperglycemia in the neonate
Hyperkalaemia: a guideline for management in neonates
Hypertension in neonatal patients
Hypoglycaemia : preterm infants
Hypoglycaemia : term infants
Immunisation guideline for neonates
Jaundice : neonatal guideline
Jaundice management on the postnatal wards
Less Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA), neonatal guideline (965)
Management of Atypical Genitalia & Suspected DSD in the Neonate
Congenital Hypothyroidism Management (383)
Management of infants born to mothers with Hepatitis C - National Neonatal Network Guideline: Blood Borne Virus during pregnancy
Management of infants exposed to HIV in pregnancy - National Neonatal Network Guideline: Blood Borne Virus during pregnancy
Management of neonatal arterial occlusion and thrombosis
Management of the difficult airway, neonates
Napkin care guidelines, neonates
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
Neonatal intubation
Neonatal pain guideline
Neonatal transfusion guideline
Neuroprotection Care Pathway for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy
Neuroprotection Care Pathway for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy: Cot-side Decision-Making Aids for Referring Centres
Newborn Blood Spot Screening
Nitric Oxide administration in MRI (1095)
Nitric oxide therapy in the neonate: guideline for the use of inhaled nitric oxide
Oesophageal atresia and tracheo-oesophageal fistula
Oral sucrose for procedural pain
Oxygen saturation limits, neonates
Paediatric Supportive & Palliative Care
Parenteral feeding of preterm and term infant
Passage of a nasogastric or orogastric feeding tube (neonatal guideline)
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) : medical treatment and indications for surgical closure
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) : surgical ligation
Perinatal COVID-19 Resources
Perinatal management of extreme preterm birth before 27 weeks of gestation: a framework for practice
Peripheral arterial lines: insertion and care
Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC Lines) - Neonatology guideline
Persistent or refractory hypoglycaemia in the neonate : a guideline for management
Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice
Postnatal Handbook
Postnatal management of a right or double aortic arch, Paediatrics
Postnatal management of fetal arrhythmias (1081)
Prolonged jaundice Neonates (NHSGGC)
Renal anomalies detected or suspected antenatally (949)
Retinopathy of prematurity
Sampling from arterial peripheral / umbilical lines : neonatal guideline
Seizures in the neonate
Seldinger chest drain insertion and management
Surfactant Administration via Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Standard Operating Procedure
Teaching Basic Life Support to Parents / Carers
Transcutaneous bilirubinometry in the Community
Trisomy 21 - Care Pathway
Umbilical catheters
Virological assessment of fetuses and neonates
Vitamin K Prophylaxis for Neonates, Wos MCN (695)
Volume Targeted Ventilation: indication and use in the Neonatal Unit
West of Scotland Neonatal Drug Monographs
WoSPGHAN enteral tube feeding information pack for healthcare professionals
Respiratory management of preterm infants (966)
Thermal care of the neonate (970)
Neonatal Thyrotoxicosis (971)
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