Hip examination
Barlow’s Test
- Adduct the hip, then apply a downward pressure over the knee with your thumb.
- If the hip is unstable, the femoral head will slip out of the acetabulum, producing the palpable sensation of the hip dislocating.
- If the hip is dislocatable, then Barlow’s test is positive.
Ortolani’s Test
- Used to confirm the hip dislocation.
- Flex the hips and knees to 90 degree, then apply an anterior pressure over the greater trochanter and gently adduct the leg with your thumbs.
- If the hip was dislocated, a distinctive clunk will be heard as the hip relocates. This would be Ortalani’s test positive.
Figure 1. Barlow’s and Ortolani’s test – Adapted from http://www.cssd.us/body.cfm?id=515
Youtube: How to test for newborn hip dysplasia
Hip Ultrasound Scan Referrals